When it comes to my clothes lately I get really excited as I fortunately managed to gather a few pieces that I adore and suit my style in an absolute level. The thing is with all the fast fashion ruining people's lives and style we somehow ended up having a million yards of clothing. You will be able to make your closet look gorge only after you get the point of "building" a closet with clothes worth buying.
Step #1 : Define your style. If you are not sure yet about what you like and what you don't, what suits you and what makes you look awful then you should not perform any of these steps until you are sure about who you are from a styling perspective. Now what you truly like you truly know as when you see it, it puts a big smile on your face.
Step #2 : Bin adoration. Knowing who you are, you are now ready to get rid of things. I know it's difficult for you to do so, but in order to be well dressed and happy about your daily choices, you must throw away anything that might disorient you. Be bold and tough and show no mercy for it will help you achieve your goal which is to have a great closet. REMEMBER! you never ruin or actually dispose clothes, you can offer them to people in need or if you are skilled enough and creative you can do your tricks and make things out of useless yards of fabric.
Step #3: The separation. Make up your mind about your favorite pieces. Casual and more formalish. You can hang your favorites in the main part of your closet making this part a heaven for your very eyes. The rest you can just fold them to a shelf and make no big deal about them. Thus you know where your good pieces are in case you need to be really well dressed and when you need to go simple and clean, yet stylish, you can pick clothes from the shelf.
Step #4: Growing your closet up. After getting the basics from a fast fashion store (and if you don't know what the basics are don't worry I'll do a guide later on about them), you shoud start buying clothes that will accompany you for the rest of your life. Make savings, purchase, make savings , purchase , on and on. In a few years you'll be the happiest person alive as your fashion possessings will be godlike, and very special, as each and every piece will be something you carefully chose, made savings and spend money for. Trust me it works, plus you will feel really happy about not being a fast fashion victim. (To learn more about fast fashion read my article here: http://rebelvisionaire.blogspot.gr/2012/10/fast-fashion.html)
I actually printed things that inspire me so that I see them and be constantly inspired and then things I love so that they cheer me up.
Alert: Never ever keep your clothes and shoes in the same place. The smell of those 2 combined causes dizziness.
I hope I helped at making your closet a better place!! and remember Carrie Bradshaw once said "I like my money right where I can see it...hanging in my closet"
Leonidas Villano